Introduction of the ESV project

A group of Hungarian Christian leaders who represent two Hungarian Publishers, Harmat and Veritas, and various other Hungarian Christian organizations that maintain a close relationship with the European Leadership Forum, united to set a team in place to work on the ESV project, adapting and creating a Hungarian translation of the 2008 edition of the ESV Study Bible.

In accordance with this project, we have chosen Harmat and Veritas, which are two Hungarian Christian publishing companies devoted to spreading the Word of God.

Harmat Publishers’ goal is to provide high-quality literature to the Christian public and provide guidance in the questions of faith, particularly as they apply to daily life situations, thereby strengthening the personal faith and conviction of each individual reader. Through their publishing activities, Harmat also seeks to address current controversial scientific and social issues in order to provoke productive dialogue between various social and denominational groups.

Over the course of the last twenty years, Harmat earned a reputation in Hungary as one of the most influential Christian publishing houses and became the most renowned Hungarian Protestant publishing establishment. Their publishing activity varies from children’s books to university study books. Since its establishment, Harmat has published approximately 350 books and has sold more than one million copies.

Veritas Publishers is closely affiliated with Hungarian Ministries International (HMI) presided over by Joseph Baranyi, a veteran Hungarian missionary with a twenty-year background of ministry through Trans World Radio. Veritas Publishers’ mission is to spread the Gospel in the Hungarian language by using their vast experience in publishing Bible-related literature. They are driven by the goal to fulfill a substantial need for basic Bible study tools in Hungary and are well equipped with extensive knowledge stemming from twenty years of experience in the publication of Christian literature. Beginning with their first book, the Concordance to the Karoli Bible, they accomplished milestone after milestone in Hungarian Christian Publishing.

In 2014 Crossway granted the permission to the publishing houses of Veritas and Harmat to publish the 2008 edition of the ESV Study Bible in Hungarian and we started to work on the translation. Several translator, proofreader and typesetter are working on this project and we would like to finish the preparation for publishing in 2016 and print the book in 2017.

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Project Progress Chart